Grants and Awards


  • Invited keynote: Grant to attend and present at a symposium Critical thinking: Beyond incantatory rhetoric at the University of Geneva. 6th June.


  • Vice Chancellor’s Award for Student Service, Citation from Federation University.’Building Bridges Together: Responsive and Diverse Modes of Academic Support to Ensure Student Success’. (Talia Barrett, Bronwyn Blaiklock, Martin Davies, Leigh Albon, Lovisa Lindstrand, Glenn Sandford).


  • Nominated for an Australia Day Award as ‘Community Group of the Year’ for services to education, City of Kingston, Melbourne. (My role: President, now Past President)
  • ($5,480) Mordialloc College Alumni Association Digitisation and Preservation Project. Public Record Office of Victoria. Awarded by the Special Minister of State, with Certificate from Mark Richardson, MP. Community Service Grant to Mordialloc College Alumni Association (MCAA). Martin Davies (President).
    ($6,260) Kingston Community Grants Program. Community Service Grant to Mordialloc College Alumni Association (MCAA). Martin Davies (President). Digitisation and preservation project.


  • ($7,400) Kingston Community Grants Program. Community Service Grant to Mordialloc College Alumni Association (MCAA). Martin Davies (President). Mordialloc College: The First 100 Years.
  • Nominated for an Australia Day Award as ‘Community Group of the Year’ for services to education, City of Kingston, Melbourne. (My role: President).


  • ($3000) Centre for Innovation and Professional Practice Teaching and Learning Grants. Investigating the effectiveness and acceptability of argument mapping for promoting the development of critical thinking skills (Dr E. Temple, Lead).
  • ($2000) Kingston Community Grants Program. Community Service Grant to Mordialloc College Alumni Association (MCAA). Martin Davies (President). Mordialloc College: The First 100 Years.


  • ($15,000) Learning and Teaching Initiatives Grants, Australian Government: Accelerating Learning Independent Thinking in Interdisciplinary Law Subjects using Computer-Interface Concept Mapping, and Developing an IBook for IPad. Sarah Hinchcliffe (ABIS), Martin Davies, Angelito Calma
  • ($5000) Office for Learning and Teaching, Australian Government. Higher Education Research and the Student Learning Experience Conference. Martin Davies


  • ($5000) Office for Learning and Teaching, Australian Government. Higher Education Research and the Student Learning Experience Conference. Martin Davies


  • ($8,109.00) Faculty Research Grant: Computer-Aided Argument Mapping and Critical Thinking: Its Application within a Faculty of Business and Economics. W. M. Davies (TLU), Jagjit Kaur (ABIS), Benjamin Neville (Management and Marketing), Richard Chen (ABIS)


  • (20,948.80) Learning and Teaching Performance Fund: Development of an innovative technology-based intergrative subject to enhance the critical thinking of students in the Economics and Commerce Faculty. Davies, W. M., Davern, M., (ABIS) Neville, B., (Management) Akyol, A., (Finance) Kaur, J. (ABIS), Borland, J. (Economics).


  • ($9,752) Teaching Innovation Grant: Using Computer-Aided Argument Mapping as a Teaching and Assessment Tool in a Management Subject. Davies, W. M. and Neville, B.


  • ($29,000) Learning and Teaching Performance Fund: Development of a pre-term program for the Master of Applied Commerce, Faculty of Economics and Commerce. Davies, W. M. with G. Whitwell, B. Young, A. Banyasz, C. Harper and R. Jenzen.


  • ($219,490) Carrick Competitive Grant: Addressing the On-Going English language growth of international students. Davies, W. M. along with representatives from Monash, Edith Cowan, Macquarie and Deakin universities.


  • ($212,722) ALTC Competitive Grant: Measuring Student Experience: The Relationship between Teaching Quality Instruments (TQIs) and the Course Experience Questionnaire (CEQ) Hirschberg, J. Lye, J., Davies, M., Johnston, C.


  • ($5000) Commissioned Project: Interdisciplinary Education and the Melbourne Model with Dr Marcia Devlin for the Centre for the Study of Higher Education, the University of Melbourne.


  • ($100,000) Scoping Project on Teaching and Learning in Australian Business Faculties (Carrick Institute Funding for representatives of five Australian universities


  • ($7,000) Teaching and Learning Innovation Grant: Using Computer-Aided Argument Mapping to Enhance Learning in Economics (with Professor Jeff Borland).


  • Institutional Nomination by University Grants Committee for Carrick Institute Award under Category 4: “Innovation in Curricula, Learning and Teaching”.


  • ($96,000) Teaching and Learning Performance Fund, Improvement and Innovation Projects Competitive Grants Scheme, Quantitative Analysis of the Student Learning Experience. McDonald, I., Hirschberg, J. Lye, J. Johnston, C and Davies, M.


  • ($10,000) Seeding Grant Renewal: Faculty of Economics and Commerce, University of Melbourne, Evaluation of Teaching and Learning in Tertiary Institutions. McDonald, I., Hirschberg, J. Lye, J. Johnston, C and Davies, M.


  • Team member finalist in the Australian Awards for University Teaching (AAUT) hosted by the Australian Universities Teaching Committee ( This award was presented in Old Parliament House, Canberra on 30/11/04.


  • ($25,000) Team member recipient for the Norman Curry Award for Innovation and Excellence in Support of and Service to Teaching and Learning at the University of Melbourne


  • ($62,000) Seeding Grant: Faculty of Economics and Commerce, University of Melbourne, Evaluation of Teaching and Learning in Tertiary Institutions. McDonald, I., Hirschberg, J. Lye, J. Johnston, C and Davies, M.


  • ($22,000) H. J. Allen Prize in Philosophy, University of Adelaide.


  • ($5,000) Australian Research Council Grant, The Flinders University of South Australia for work in Philosophical Psychology


  • Grant to attend FAPCA Conference, University of Tasmania, Tasmania


  • Grant to attend FAPCA Teachers Educator’s Workshop, Trinity College, University of Melbourne


  • Grant to attend AAPNZ Conference, Hamilton New Zealand


  • URB Grant for work in the Philosophy of Education and Philosophy of Language


  • ($4,800) SA Arts and Cultural Development Grant for first draft of book manuscript: The Philosophy of Sir William Mitchell: A Mind’s Own Place.


  • ($3,400) SA Arts and Cultural Development Grant for first draft of book manuscript. The Philosophy of Sir William Mitchell: A Mind’s Own Place.


  • Grant-in-aid for assistance in preparing book manuscript for publication (The Flinders University of South Australia). 


  • Honorarium for staff teaching development, University of Adelaide (Advisory Centre for University Education)


  • Australian Post graduate Research Award


  • Honorarium to attend All Soul’s College, University of Oxford Philosophy Conference.


  • Flinders University Overseas Travelling Scholarship


  • Flinders University Travelling Award


  • Commonwealth Postgraduate Research Scholarship


  • Flinders University Summer Research Scholarship